OLED module refers to a final display product with all the electric parts assembled or simultaneously refers to an entire process to attach each piece to a panel. After the cell production process, every back of a OLED cell is electrically connected to a display driver IC (DDI) and a flexible printed circuit board (FPCB) to connect the display with the final IT product(smartphone, laptop, smartwatch, etc.). At the front, a polarizer that helps reduce reflection from external light, and a cover window protecting the display from external forces are attached to the panel. Depending on product specifications, a display module can have additional components attached such as a touch screen panel (TSP) and a fingerprint sensor (FoD).

In the OLED module process, every electric part and protecting layer are attached in the order below. Most of the OLED module processes of Samsung Display undergo at the global manufacturing branches in China, Vietnam and India.